Bone Valley Gem, Mineral & Fossil Soc.
Polk County, Florida
Copyright Imperial Bone Valley Gem, Mineral & Fossil Society. All rights reserved.
President: Cindy Reed
email: at
1st Vice Pres.: Barbara Costen
Secretary: Breana Carlson
Treasurer: Debbie Rydberg
Board Members:
Past President:
1 Year: Al Costen
2 Year: Melinda Riddle
3 Year: Gail Moore
Program Chairman: Jim Reed
Annual Show: Jim Reed
Education: Kay McQuown
Field Trips: Melinda Riddle
Shop Manager: Jim Reed
email: Jim.rocks57 at
Stones and Bones Editor: Cindy Reed
email: at
Webmasters: Cindy Reed
The Imperial Bone Valley Gem, Mineral & Fossil Society is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting interest in various earth sciences such as Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology, as well as related fields such as lapidary arts.
Through classes offered at the “rock shop,” field trips to collect mineral and fossil specimens, and educational presentations during our monthly meetings, IBVGMFS encourages its members to increase their knowledge and understanding in these areas.